Compliance commitment
In respect of corruption and antitrust violations, the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp AG has issued the following thyssenkrupp Compliance Commitment which unequivocally expresses its stance on compliance with the corresponding laws and Group policies.
Compliance commitment*
Corruption and antitrust violations are not tolerated (Zero Tolerance).
For us, bribes and cartel agreements are not a means of winning business. We would rather forgo a contract and fail to reach internal goals than act against the law.
All employees are requested to contribute actively in their areas of responsibility to implementing the thyssenkrupp Compliance Program.”

With its compliance program, thyssenkrupp has taken wide-ranging measures to ensure compliance with corruption and antitrust regulations and the Group policies based thereon. Infringements will not be tolerated and will result in sanctions against the persons concerned. All Executive board members and managing directors, all senior executives and other employees must be aware of the extraordinary risks which corruption and antitrust violations can signify for thyssenkrupp as well as for them personally.
* Initially resolved by the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp AG on April 16, 2007.