Corporate culture

Who we are

Who we are

We are thyssenkrupp, around 104,000 people with thousands of different lifestyles and cultures. But one thing unites us all: We are a team. We work together, learn from each other, and grow together. We are fair. We respect each other and communicate openly. We do what we say and say what we do. This value structure unites us and makes us successful.

Our mission statement

Our mission statement

We always openly encourage our employees to come to us if there are problems. That’s important so that we can continuously improve. We put our faith in openness, mutual appreciation, and respect.

Our mission statement is our basic law. We developed it together to describe how we engage with customers, colleagues, investors, and society in general. We’re proud that this is reflected in our commitment.

Our mission statement

Facts and figures

Facts and figures

Here to stay: On average, our employees stay with us for 12 years and in Germany, some have stayed with us for up to 18 years. And we fill three-quarters of positions from our own talent pool.

Our diversity is truly diverse: We offer apprenticeships in over 50 occupations. People from over 140 countries work at thyssenkrupp.

We have been making industrial history for 200 years and continue to do so with our innovations. We developed our Group mission statement with over 2,000 employees around the world.

More key figures

It’s only a culture if our employees can feel it. So we ask them.

What all of us here do is not just what we like, but what we love

What all of us here do is not just what we like, but what we love

91 percent of our employees say: “I fully apply my skills and abilities in my work.”
(Source: employee survey 2016)

We respect each other

We respect each other

83 percent of our employees say: “I am treated with respect at work, regardless of my job.”
(Source: employee survey 2016)

thyssenkrupp is our favorite employer

thyssenkrupp is our favorite employer

78 percent of our employees say: “I would recommend thyssenkrupp as a good place to work.”
(Source: employee survey 2016)

We deliver top performance

We deliver top performance

92 percent of our employees say: “I am willing to put in a great deal of extra effort to help my company succeed.”
(Source: employee survey 2016)

A question of mindset

A question of mindset

To us compliance means more than just obeying rules and regulations. Compliance is a question of mindset: Reliability, honesty, credibility, and integrity are part of our DNA. We would rather sacrifice a contract than win it by breaking the law.

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