Industry 4.0

Business processes without boundaries

Business processes without boundaries

At one of our hot strip mills we have implemented an Industry 4.0 solution that goes way beyond the boundaries of an individual company. The processes of the supplier, the hot strip mill (manufacturer) and the customers are connected in a digital network.

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In dialogue: Producat and production

In dialogue: Producat and production

In our Ilsenburg plant, camshafts and the machines used to produce them are in active dialogue. Each camshaft has its own unique ID and passes through the production process almost as if it had a first and last name. And it carries a large amount of data.

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3D plant design

3D plant design

Thanks to increasing processing power and improved software tools, we can now design entire car production lines, complete with machines, robots and handling equipment, on the computer.

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Staying safe in the Industrial Data Space

Staying safe in the Industrial Data Space

thyssenkrupp has implemented the first application for the Industrial Data Space, a new virtual data space in which companies can exchange information securely. The first use case is an information system for truck logistics at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe. It proves that the idea behind the Industrial Data Space works.

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