Carbon2Chem: Turning emissions into valuable materials
Carbon2Chem: Turning emissions into valuable materials

The aim of the long-term Carbon2Chem project is to use steel mill gases as a raw material.

The principle is that, for instance, a nearby chemical plant could use these gases as starting materials in the manufacture of fuels and fertilizers. The CO2 contained in the steel mill gases would also be converted.

The concept is expected to be ready for industrial scale use around 2030. Of course, our steel mill will then still need electricity. This is where renewable energies come in: When wind and solar deliver excess electricity, we use it for chemical production. The off-gases will be divided than so that part of hem can be used for making Ammonia and Methanol.

Hydrogen out of green electricity

Hydrogen out of green electricity

We also want to use this “green electricity” to produce more hydrogen than is already contained in the steel mill gas. We need the additional hydrogen to convert the CO2. Carbon dioxide is a very stable chemical compound, and it takes a lot of energy – such as that contained in the hydrogen – to break it down.


  • Conversion of steel mill gases into valuable chemicals
  • Use of renewable energies
  • Flexible concept utilizing excess electricity