Declaration of conformity
Declaration of conformity as of February 6, 2021
Under Art. 161 of the Stock Corporation Law (Aktiengesetz) the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of a listed German stock corporation are required to issue an annual declaration stating whether the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) has been and is being observed and which of the Code's recommendations have not been or are not being applied and why.
thyssenkrupp AG complies with all recommendations of the DCGK published on March 20, 2020 and will continue to comply with these recommendations in the future. Furthermore, since issuing its last declaration of conformity on October 1, 2020, thyssenkrupp AG has complied with all recommendations of the Code, with the exception of the following recommendations on Executive Board remuneration as detailed in Section G.I. of the Code: G.1 (Determining the remuneration system), G.3 (Peer group of other third-party entities), G.7 (Establishing performance criteria for variable remuneration components), G.9 (Comprehensibility of target achievement), G.10 (Accessibility of granted long-term variable remuneration components), and G.11 (Ability to retain or reclaim variable remuneration components).
In addition to the recommendations, the DCGK contains a number of suggestions for good and responsible corporate governance, compliance with which is not required to be disclosed by law. thyssenkrupp complies with all the suggestions.