Diversity & Inclusion
  • 15.4 percent

    proportion of women in total workforce (09/2019)

  • 12.6 percent

    proportion of women in leadership positions (09/2019)

  • 23 percent

    proportion of women in talent pools (09/2019)

  • 149

    number of nationalities in the Group (09/2019)

15.4 percent

proportion of women in total workforce (09/2019)

12.6 percent

proportion of women in leadership positions (09/2019)

23 percent

proportion of women in talent pools (09/2019)


number of nationalities in the Group (09/2019)

Support for people with disabilities

Support for people with disabilities

In 2015, thyssenkrupp also issued a statement expressing its commitment to inclusion. In the joint statement by the Group Executive Board and employee representatives, we commit to recruiting and supporting people with disabilities and to reporting regularly on progress with inclusion. Inclusion is aimed at equal participation and involvement by all people in public life. Nobody should be excluded from leading a self-determined life because of disability, and this includes the right to an education and the right to work. thyssenkrupp regards workplace inclusion, i.e. self-determined and equal participation by people with disabilities in working life, as a special corporate responsibility. Currently, around 3.744 people with disabilities work in the Group’s German companies.

Additionally in 2019, the thyssenkrupp internal award “WIR für Inklusion“ was assigned for the second time – herewith outstanding projects and engagements of thyssenkrupp companies are dignified.

We at thyssenkrupp value each other. All employees should have equal opportunities. That is part of our corporate culture. The inclusion agreement underlines these values and provides a framework for implementing them.

Oliver Burkhard, CHRO of thyssenkrupp AG

Support for women in the Group

Our target: 15% women in leadership positions until 2020

Support for women in the Group

Important targets of our Diversity Management are bringing more women in leading positions and enabling compatability of family and work also for men. Since we started in 2012 to foster women systematically, their share in leading positions has increased constantly and has more than doubled until today: from 5.8% in 2012 to 12.6% in the fiscal year 2018/2019. Until 2020, we aim for staffing at least 15% of leading positions with females. Therefore we take care that lots of women are represented in our talent pools and are recognized reasonably and fairly in our staffing. In 2011, thyssenkrupp also signed the joint declaration by the 30 DAX companies “Women in leadership positions”. Today, we are listed in the MDax but we stick clearly to the aims mentioned in the declaration – e.g. the support of women in STEM subjects. In this way, we make it easier for female talents to enter engineering occupations.

Work/life balance

Work/life balance

Work is a big part of our lives. But it’s not the only part. We believe a healthy work/life balance is important, which is why it’s an integral part of diversity management at thyssenkrupp. We support our employees worldwide with offers such as parent-and-child offices, childcare providers and care advice, and employee assistance hotlines.



Formed in 2016, our thyssenkrupp employee network LGBTI@thyssenkrupp raises awareness in the company for LGBTI issues and the concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex employees.

Since 2016, tk is Proutemployer (https://www.proutemployer.com) and committed to the UN-Standards of Conduct for Business in 2018 to tackle discrimination of LGBTI people in the Group.
