Environment and energy
thyssenkrupp attaches great importance to the topics of environmental protection, climate change and energy efficiency – from supply chain to internal processes to customers. With our solutions we want to help meet rising demand for goods and services in a resource-efficient way. Environmental protection is therefore a core element of thyssenkrupp’s sustainability efforts and thus its corporate strategy.

thyssenkrupp’s global environmental and energy management system is based on the Group’s environment and energy policy and a corresponding Group Regulation. In addition standards and three Indirect Financial Targets (IFTs) have been defined for the areas of energy efficiency, energy management and environmental management. Implementation of these targets is supported by internal committees and auditor training; exchanges of experience at different levels and conferences also help towards this aim.
Environmental management at our sites
At thyssenkrupp all companies with environmentally relevant activities are required to operate an ISO 14001 environmental management system by fiscal year 2019 / 2020. This international standard covers all relevant environmental aspects, from the reduction of wastewater, waste and emissions to the environmental impact of products during use through to disposal. The requirements for our group companies are clear: They must continuously improve their environmental performance and at the same time meet legal and other requirements and concrete environmental goals at their individual sites.
Activities regarded as environmentally relevant are defined in a group regulation. As of September 30, 2020 more than 50 thyssenkrupp companies from the continuing operations were determined as environmentally relevant in line with this regulation. As a result of our Indirect Financial Target for environmental management systems, 100% of our environmentally relevant companies now comply with the required standard in the target year 2019 / 2020. Related to the overall workforce the group therefore handles around 72% of its environmental management activities in accordance with ISO 14001.

Energy efficiency makes good business sense for thyssenkrupp.
Continuous improvements in energy efficiency and energy management
The energy consumption of the group’s continuing operations came to around 69 terawatt hours (TWh) in the 2019 / 2020 reporting year.
Energy efficiency has always played an important role at thyssenkrupp. Launched six years ago, the global Groupwide Energy Efficiency Program (GEEP) includes measures such as better use
of waste heat, the reduction of stand-by times and the replacement of plant components.
In the reporting year we set ourselves the GEEP goal of increasing energy efficiency in the group by 150 GWh. We exceeded this goal with around 200 GWh. Mathematically these efficiency gains enabled us to avoid around 85,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The goal for the current fiscal year 2020 / 2021 is to achieve efficiency gains of at least 80 GWh. We also achieved our goal for all energy-relevant activities to be covered by an ISO 50001 energy management system by the 2019 / 2020 reporting year. Among other things this includes setting concrete energy targets for each of the corresponding subsidiaries, measuring energy flows and optimizing organizational and technical processes. This requirement has been met by over 50 relevant companies in the group. In terms of energy consumption this means that 96% of energy management activities at thyssenkrupp meet the ISO 50001 standard.
Key environmental data
Groupwide performance indicators and data on environmental and climate protection are used to assess opportunities and risks and serve as an instrument for global environmental, energy, and climate management. Unless otherwise stated, the data reported relates to fully consolidated Group companies of the actual fiscal years.
The figures include the 50 percent share in Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann under IFRS rules. Since fiscal year 2019/2020, figures are shown without the Business Segement thyssenkrupp Elevator Technology.
Absolute values may also vary due to portfolio changes and different production levels and are therefore not a direct reflection of environmental performance.
The fiscal year commences on 1st October and ends on 30th September.