Reporting and Publications
Fiscal year 2020/2021 Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Fiscal year 2016/2017 Fiscal year 2015/2016 Fiscal year 2014/2015 Fiscal year 2013/2014 Fiscal year 2012/2013 Fiscal year 2011/2012 Fiscal year 2010/2011 Fiscal year 2009/2010 Fiscal year 2008/2009 Fiscal year 2007/2008 Fiscal year 2006/2007 Fiscal year 2005/2006 Fiscal year 2004/2005 Fiscal year 2003/2004 Fiscal year 2002/2003 Fiscal year 2001/2002
Fiscal year 2015/2016
October 1 - September 30
Conference Call Fiscal year 2015/2016
November 24, 2016
Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Executive Board Chairman of thyssenkrupp AG
Guido Kerkhoff, CFO of thyssenkrupp AG
Replay Conference Call

Press conference: Annual Report 2015/2016
- Annual Report 2015/2016
pdf | 7.4 mb - Charts Financial Year 2015/2016
pdf | 1.4 mb - Press release fiscal year 2015/2016
pdf | 236.6 kb - Summary Excel-tables
xlsx | 129.5 kb
October 1 - June 30
Conference Call 9 month 2015/2016
August 11, 2016
Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Executive Board Chairman of thyssenkrupp AG
Guido Kerkhoff, CFO of thyssenkrupp AG

- Interim Report 9 months 2015/2016
pdf | 413.3 kb - Charts on 3rd quarter 2015/2016
pdf | 383.0 kb - Press release 9 months 2015/2016
pdf | 383.0 kb - Summary of all tables
xlsx | 56.7 kb - Group in figures
xlsx | 18.6 kb - Consolidated statement of financial position
xlsx | 15.8 kb - Consolidated statement of income
xlsx | 15.9 kb - Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
xlsx | 16.2 kb - Consolidated statement of changes in equity
xlsx | 16.9 kb - Consolidated statement of cash flows
xlsx | 17.4 kb - Earnings per share
xlsx | 14.6 kb - Net sales by business area
xlsx | 14.9 kb
October 1 - March 31
Conference Call 1st half 2015/2016
May 10, 2016
Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Executive Board Chairman of thyssenkrupp AG
Guido Kerkhoff, CFO of thyssenkrupp AG

- Interim Report 1st half 2015/2016
pdf | 358.2 kb - Charts 2nd quarter 2015/2016
pdf | 406.6 kb - Press release 1st half 2015/2016
pdf | 156.7 kb - Summary of all tables
xlsx | 53.9 kb - The Group in figures
xlsx | 17.3 kb - Consolidated statement of financial position
xlsx | 15.7 kb - Consolidated statement of income
xlsx | 15.8 kb - Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
xlsx | 15.8 kb - Consolidated statement of changes in equity
xlsx | 16.4 kb - Consolidated statement of cash flows
xlsx | 17.3 kb - Earnings per share
xlsx | 14.6 kb - Net sales by business area
xlsx | 14.9 kb
October 1 - December 31
- Interim Report 1st quarter 2015/2016
pdf | 381.6 kb - Charts 1st quarter 15/16
pdf | 297.0 kb - Summary of all tables
xlsx | 50.4 kb - The Group in figures
xlsx | 15.9 kb - Consolidated statement of financial position
xlsx | 15.7 kb - Consolidated statement of income
xlsx | 15.3 kb - Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
xlsx | 15.3 kb - Consolidated statement of changes in equity
xlsx | 16.5 kb - Consolidated statement of cash flows
xlsx | 16.6 kb - Earnings per share
xlsx | 14.4 kb - Order intake by business areas
xlsx | 14.6 kb
Conference call 1st quarter 2015/2016, February 12, 2016
Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Executive Board Chairman of thyssenkrupp AG
Guido Kerkhoff, CFO of thyssenkrupp AG
- Charts: 1st quarter 2015/2016
pdf | 297.0 kb - Recording (English, 1 hr.)
mp4 | 523.6 mb - Recording (English, 1 hr.)
mp3 | 59.4 mb
Note to the Financial Reports
Enhanced transparency through extensive information disclosure is the aim of our consolidated Annual Report. The figures and information they contain provide a full picture of the thyssenkrupp Group's business situation. Since 2005/2006 our financial statements have been prepared under IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). We also provide additional information required by the German Commercial Code (HGB).