


Is it right or is it wrong?

This video shows employees of thyssenkrupp and former employees who were employed by thyssenkrupp at the time the film was made. The persons have all given their consent to be shown in the film. We would like to thank all those who took part in this project.


It´s about morality, actually

This video shows employees of thyssenkrupp and former employees who were employed by thyssenkrupp at the time the film was made. The persons have all given their consent to be shown in the film. We would like to thank all those who took part in this project.

A question of mindset

Compliance: A question of mindset

To us compliance means more than just obeying rules and regulations. Compliance is a question of mindset: Reliability, honesty, credibility, and integrity are part of our DNA. We would rather sacrifice a contract than win it by breaking the rules.

What we stand for

One goal – one program

Compliance: One goal – one program

Our compliance program is designed to identify potential risks at an early stage and if necessary initiate suitable countermeasures. Compliance officers around the world advise, educate, and inform employees about legal requirements. As a result compliance is a fixed component of every business process.

Our compliance program

Strong together

Compliance: Strong together

thyssenkrupp employs over 75 full-time compliance officers around the world, and they are supported at operating level by more than 350 compliance managers (generally the CEOs or managing directors of Group companies). Together they promote observance of our internal compliance policies and all relevant laws and form a point of contact for employees.

Our compliance organization

We follow a strategy

Compliance: We follow a strategy

The aim of our “Compliance 2020” strategy is to embed compliance more extensively and sustainably throughout the Group. We continuously optimize our global training programs, actively integrate compliance into our business processes, and advance our program of targeted communications. And that’s not all.

Our compliance strategy

In this section

Submitting a report

Bona fide reports help counteract violations at an early stage and limit the damage for our company, our employees, and our business partners. Several channels for reporting information – anonymously if required – are available to all thyssenkrupp employees, and also to customers, suppliers, and other third parties.

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Audit reports

thyssenkrupp submitted to a voluntary special audit in 2013, and had its Groupwide compliance program audited in accordance with the Auditing Standard PS 980 of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) back in 2011.

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Compliance Commitment

The Executive Board is firmly behind the compliance commitment of thyssenkrupp AG.

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External Reviews

For us as a company, it is particularly important to continuously exchange ideas with external experts.

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